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This is a story of a little puppy, that had no supper. The puppy, whose name was Huskey, and been told that if he and his siblings did not wriggle under the fence, and trample Farmer Haskin's lettuce, they would get a treat each day. Huskey went under the fence when no one was looking, so he trampled the cabbage. Farmer Haskin was displeased. Meanwhile, Huskey was happily munching strawberry shortcake. The next day, he went under the fencie again, and still got chocolate pudding. Finally, Farmer Haskin decided to set a trap. He poured mud on the ground, so when the puppy came, it became covered in dirt. It thought it could wash itself off, so it bathed in Mrs' Haskin's teapot, which was conveniently on the outdoor table. It then trotted home, but Farmer Haskin came and asked if any of the puppies were wet and smelled like jasmine. That night, the puppy got no supper, and he watched with envy as his siblings had brownies, strawberry shortcake, and chocolate pudding for their good behavior.


I made a cool game. It's called Candy Catch! This is my other story My Story!


Here are some picture I like!

I love daddy